PSYCHOLOGISTS work with clients to address patterns of behaviour, thinking & relating to others that may be contributing to their distress. Whilst many therapists will have a preference for a particular treatment model (e.g., Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), Merrilly's approach is determined by the needs of each individual client. Some clients come for support and reassurance, whilst others seek guidance and direction.

Merrilly's interventions may include:

Cognitive Therapy (identifying and challenging unhelpful patterns of thinking)

Behaviour Therapy (setting specific goals & mapping out the small steps required to achieve these)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (the integration of the above two models)

Interpersonal Psychotherapy (the teaching of specific relationship/communication skills)

Hypnosis (a focusing tool that can help amplify & reinforce changes at a more unconscious level)

Strategic Psychotherapy (identifying problematic patterns and finding ways to interrupt them & develop healthier ones)

Should you have any questions about any of these therapeutic approaches, please feel free to ask Merrilly, either when you first enquire about her services or when you attend for counselling.